The Far Western Disctirct Chorus Champion is determined at the contest held at the District Fall Convention each October. Choruses from the District are eligible to compete in the Fall Contest by acheiving a qualifying score in their respective Division Contests held each Spring.
The Far Western District Chorus Champion goes on to represent the District at the International Chorus Contest the following summer. Should they win the International Chorus Contest, they are required to sit out of competition for two years before entering into District contests again.
Year | Host City | Int'l* |
1997 | Pasadena | 7th |
1996 | Bakersfield | 8th |
1993 | Pasadena | 5th |
1987 | Reno | 5th |
1985 | San Jose | 4th |
1982 | Pasadena | Champion |
1980 | Phoenix | 3rd |
1978 | Long Beach | 4th |
1975 | Sacramento | Champion |
1974 | Pasadena | 2nd |
1971 | Santa Monica | Champion |
1969 | San Francisco | 2nd |
1967 | San Diego | 3rd |
1966 | Fresno | 3rd |
* Placement at the International Chorus Contest the following year.