logo phoenicians largeDF18 Phoenicians 4The Phoenicians is the primary performing group of the Greater Phoenix Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and has been an institution in the Phoenix, Arizona (USA) area for over eighty years. 

The chorus has performed throughout the United States and Canada, and travelled to the United Kingdom in 1999 for a special performance headlining the 25th Jubilee Anniversary of the British Association of Barbershop Singers, one of the Society's affiliate organizations.

The Phoenicians are involved in Youth in Harmony programs to introduce young men and women to a cappella four-part harmony singing; working with area high school music educators, they have been beneficial in stimulating music programs in schools valley-wide, providing music, direction, coaching and workshops, and have provided funds to send youth quartets to competitions and summer music camps.

Phoenicians Vision
The Phoenicians strive to be the most entertaining and musically excellent choral organization at the center of a vibrant community in Arizona, and to preserve and advance the barbershop art form to future generations.

Phoenicians Mission
The Phoenicians will educate our membership in vocal technique and performance to build a culture of excellence and openness, welcoming both existing and new audiences. We will encourage a youth movement and engage diverse cultures to introduce the barbershop style to a broader audience in the Phoenix area.

Inclusivity Statement 
Phoenicians is a men's a cappella chorus dedicated to excellence in the art of singing, particularly in the barbershop style. We welcome all those who enjoy singing in a men's chorus, regardless of race, color, religion, or sexual orientation. To join our performing chorus, candidates must successfully pass vocal and visual performance auditions and adhere to our dress code during performances.

  • 1914-Pre-Society-Quartets
  • 1943-Phoenix-Saguaro-Chapter
  • Quartets-1
  • 1948-The-Phoenix-Chorus
  • 1962-The-Copperstatesmen
  • Quartets-2
  • Phoenicians-1
  • Salt-River-Beachcombers-2
  • 2010-Spirit-of-Phoenix
  • 2008-Phoenicians
  • Quartets-6
  • 2015-AZ-Spirit-of-Phoenix
  • 1983-INTL-Phoenicians
  • Quartets-5
  • Phoenicians-2
  • 2015-DF-Spirit-of-Phoenix
  • 1976-INTL-Phoenicians
  • Quartets-3
  • Salt-River-Beachcombers-1
  • 1972-INTL-Phoenicians

More information about the Phoenicians can be found on our Visit Us! and Join Us! pages. For additional information, please Contact Us.

Far Western District Chorus Champions
1966, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1993, 1996, 1997

International Medalist Chorus
1967, 1968, 1970, 1975, 1979, 1981, 1986, 1988, 1993, 1994, 1996

International Chorus Champions
1972, 1976, 1883