The Chorus has represented the Far Western District at the Barbershop Harmony Society International Chorus Contest numerous times, earning medals on fourteen occasions, three of which resulted in a finish in first place with the gold medal and title "International Chorus Champions".

YearHost CityPlace
2025 Denver N/A
2014* Las Vegas 16th
2011* Kansas City 17th
2009* Anaheim 16th
2008* Nashville 11th
2007* Denver 14th
2005* Salt Lake City 8th
2002* Portland 15th
1999* Anaheim 10th
1998 Atlanta 7th
1997 Indianapolis 8th
1996* Salt Lake City 4th
1994 Pittsburgh 5th
1993* Calgary 5th
1988 San Antonio 5th
1986 Salt Lake City 3rd
1983 Seattle Champion
1981 Detroit 3rd
1979 Minneapolis 4th
1976 San Francisco Champion
1975 Indianapolis 2nd
1972 Atlanta Champion
1970 Atlantic City 2nd
1968 Cincinnati 3rd
1967 Los Angeles 3rd

* Denotes years the chorus appeared at International as a "Wild Card" contestant, having been among the top choruses across all the Society's district contests.